domingo, 30 de setembro de 2007

A vida não é só futebol, NBA e Fórmula 1

Jonah Lomu, o ex-internacional de râgueby neo-zelandês, tem um blog no onde está a acompanhar o Campeonato do Mundo. E após o jogo de Portugal com a Itália, disse isto sobre a selecção portuguesa:

«Again, after this game you can say that they deserve to be there, they have a powerful pack, good defence, and show some good speed in the backline they just need more more big games playing consistently at a higher level. This is the ongoing challenge of developing world rugby and it's not any easy one to solve. Italy has some Six Nations games under their belt and some good wins. If Portugal were able to have the same opportunities I'm sure they'd improve. They have already shown a lot of progress from 2003 but if the next World Cup is reduced to just 16 teams, I wonder what effect it will have on the game.»

Aqui ficam os desejos de boa sorte à selecção portuguesa para os próximos desafios.

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